Where is my order shipped from?
We have partnerships with the manufacturers of the products we sell, and source our products from their warehouses directly. Depending on the product you order, the package may ship from China, the United States, or elsewhere.
If you have a question about a particular product, please contact us. As our suppliers are shipping your order from various countries, your package will arrive with shipping information relevant to that country. If you have any issues with your order, please contact Fashion Edit Store directly. Do not return your order to the supplier's address.
How Long Will It Take to Get My Order?
Most of our suppliers will ship to Singapore, China, Malaysia, Hongkong in 12-21 business days from your purchase date. Some high-demand or hard to find products can take up to 30 days, but this is always noted on the product page, and we'll send you a message to confirm if it will take any longer than 3 weeks. International shipping can take between 14-30 days.
Again always feel free to contact us through our page if you have questions.